Human Resources &
Industrial Relations Advisory
PSL Group provides as-needs, on-call, or packaged, Human Resources and Industrial Relations Advisory in areas including:
Modern award coverage and minimum conditions compliance
Dismissal and redundancy
Fitness for work & Long-term absenteeism
Best practice remuneration methodologies and productivity maximisation
Enterprise agreement negotiation
Work health and safety duties and obligations
Employment contracts
Policies (HR & Work Health and Safety)
Misconduct and performance management
Dysfunctional and inappropriate workplace behaviour management
Independent contractor engagement
Union matters
Human resources best practice advisory
Packaged Retainer Options
PSL Group has a range of packaged retainer options suitable for all business sizes, which include ‘on-call’ support from HR and IR specialists and access to a range of legally reviewed template documents, policies, employment contracts and guides.
Interested to learn more? Click below to request more information on our packaged service options and we will contact you.